
See Dr. Dire Lecture in 1996

I have given lectures throughout the US. One of my most popular is, Building Quality Relationships . This presentation is for people who are dating or are looking for someone with whom to have a significant relationship. To my knowledge, no video or audio tape of this lecture has been available until now. In 2012, one of the participants asked permission to place my 1996 lecture to a group of singles on You Tube . You can find it there by going to that website and putting in my name, Jeffrey Dire, Ph.D.

I confess in 1996, I was about 60lbs heavier than I am now. Despite my being "heavy" back then you may discover some "heavy" ideas that can be helpful to you in your current or future relationship. My leaner body now still affirms everything I shared with that group of singles about relationships. Thank you for your interest.

All the Best,


Jeffrey M. Dire, Ph.D. AAMFT